We appreciate those sharing their love for BaYoCa with others. As a thank you, when a NEW camper registers based on your recommendation/referral we will give both you and the NEW camper $50 off your household's registration* To receive this discount: While filling out your registration, in the "household form", list the full name of your referral or referee. After both households have registered we will add the discount from the admin side. *up to the cost of camp ($375) for multiple referrals
Sibling discount - 50% discount for 2nd & more siblings
We love it when siblings can come to camp together, but understand sending multiple kids can add up quickly. Our sibling discount will automatically apply when you register 2 or more of your children at the same time. One camper will be at the full price of camp, and the additional siblings will each receive 50% off their camp registration (optional activities are not included in that discount). You can register them for different weeks of camp, they just need to register at the same time.
Church Group Discount - save $75 or $95 per camper
A church contracts (5 camper minimum) with BaYoCa to have their members sign up for camp using their exclusive discount code. At the end of the summer BaYoCa will then send an invoice to the church based on how many campers used that exclusive code. If 5-19 campers sign up then the cost is $300 per camper. However, if 20 or more campers sign up the cost is $280 per camper.